Lac Long Quan and Au Co are the legendary ancestors of the Vietnamese people, according to their creation myth. They are also known as the Dragon Lord of Lac and the Fairy Goddess, respectively. They represent the harmony of the yin and yang, the water and the land, and the dragon and the bird. Their marriage produced a hundred children, who became the founders of the Vietnamese nation.
According to some sources, Lac Long Quan was the son of Kinh Duong Vuong, the king of Xich Quy, a kingdom in ancient Vietnam. He had the appearance and power of a dragon, and he loved the sea. Au Co was the daughter of De Lai, the king of a northern tribe. She had the appearance and power of a fairy, and she loved the mountains. They met and fell in love, and Au Co gave birth to a pouch containing a hundred eggs, which hatched into a hundred sons.
However, they soon realized that they could not live happily together, as they had different origins and preferences. They decided to separate, each taking fifty sons with them. Lac Long Quan took his sons to the coast, where they became the rulers of the Lac Viet, the ancestors of the Kinh people, the majority ethnic group in Vietnam. Au Co took her sons to the highlands, where they became the rulers of the Au Viet, the ancestors of the ethnic minorities in Vietnam. They promised to help each other in times of need, and to respect each other’s culture and identity.
The legend of Lac Long Quan and Au Co is a source of pride and inspiration for the Vietnamese people, as it shows their origin from a noble and powerful lineage, and their unity and diversity as a nation. The legend is also a reflection of the ancient Vietnamese culture and worldview. The legend is widely taught in schools, celebrated in festivals, and depicted in art and literature.
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