When traveling to Vietnam, it’s important to be aware of the customs and currency regulations. Here’s a summary:
I/ Import regulations:
Free import:
1. For passengers 18 years of age and older:
– Tobacco products: 200 cigarettes, or 20 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco;
– Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages:
- Liquor at 20% volume and above: 1,5 liters; or
- Liquor below 20% volume: 2 liters; or
- Other alcoholic beverages (excl. wines) and soft drinks: 3 liters;
– Tea, max. 5 kilograms; coffee, max. 3 kilograms;
2. A reasonable quantity of perfume and personal belongings;
3. Other goods, total value of which is not exceeding ten million vnd (vietnamese dong).
Arms and Ammunition regulations:
Import and export of firearms and ammunition is prohibited. Transit transportation of firearms, ammunition, explosives and highly dangerous goods is subject to prior approval from the government of Viet Nam.
Prohibited Import Goods:
List of goods subject to import prohibition: As stipulated in the Decree No. 187/2013/ND-CP of the Government, for example: weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, consumer goods, supplies, used tools… and other items as prescribed by relevant ministries or agencies.
For medication for personal use, please refer to Circular 39/2013/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam
II/ Pets:
Health certificate:
An international health certificate is required and must be issued or endorsed at most 7 days before departure. It must be stamped and state that the pet is in good health and free of contagious and parasitic diseases or any other contagious diseases.
Rabies vaccination:
A rabies vaccination is required. The vaccine must be administered at least 30 days and at most 12 months before arrival.
– A 3 year rabies vaccine is not recognized by Viet Nam.
Special treatments:
Pets must be treated and vaccinated for:
– external and internal parasites at least 5 days and at most 7 days before departure; and
– cats: Panleukopenia (Distemper), Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Leukemia; and
– dogs: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Para influenza and Leptospirosis.
Assistance & guide dogs:
The same regulations apply to assistance and guide dogs.
III/ Baggage Clearance regulations:
Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Viet Nam.
Currency Import regulations:
Local currency (Vietnamese Dong-VND): no restrictions. Amounts exceeding VND 15,000,000.- must be declared on arrival.
Foreign currencies: no restrictions. Amounts exceeding USD 5,000.- (or equivalent) must be declared on arrival. Amounts under USD 5,000.- (or equivalent) to be deposited in credit institutions and branches of foreign banks must also be declared on arrival.
Currency Export regulations:
Local currency (Vietnamese Dong-VND): no restrictions. Amounts exceeding VND 15,000,000.- must be declared on departure.
Foreign currencies: no restrictions. Amounts exceeding USD 5,000.- (or equivalent) must be declared upon. Proof of expenses is required.
In conclusion, in addition to Vietnam Visa, Vietnam Visa policy, please note that customs regulations in Vietnam are subject you need to learn before entering Vietnam. These subjects is updated regularly, so it’s always a good idea to double-check the most current information before your trip. Safe travels!