Who Is Eligible for Vietnam Business Visa

Vietnam is a beautiful and vibrant country with a rich history and culture. It has become increasingly popular as a tourist destination in recent years, and there is also growing interest in Vietnam as a place to do business. If you are planning to travel to Vietnam for business purposes, you will need to obtain a Vietnam business visa.

1. Vietnam business visa

A Vietnam Business Visa is a type of visa that allows foreign countries to enter Vietnam for business purposes, such as attending meetings, conferences, negotiating contracts, or exploring business opportunities. Applicants must have a valid passport and provide supporting documents. 

Follow this article for more details: Vietnam Business Visa: Key Career to Opportunities

2. Vietnam business visa fee

Depending on the way to apply for Vietnam business visa, the fees for process and documents are different. There are 3 ways to apply: Vietnam eVisa, Vietnam visa on arrival (VOA), and visa at Embassy/ Consulate.

Follow this article for more details: Vietnam Visa Fee: All Costs of Vietnam Visa

3. Vietnam business visa requirement

To be eligible for a Vietnam business visa, you must meet the following requirements:

– The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from your date of entry into Vietnam and have at least 02 blank pages.

– You must have a sponsor company in Vietnam (the company you will work for after entering Vietnam) willing to sponsor your visa and travel.

– Your portrait photos (4*6cm, or 2*2 inch, white background).

Follow this article for more details: Vietnam Business Visa: Required Documents

4. Who is eligible for Vietnam business visa

Any foreigner who wishes to come to Vietnam for business purposes can apply for a Vietnam business visa, and the visa application process and requirements may vary depending on the applicant’s country of citizenship.

Those who can apply for a business visa to Vietnam include:

– Business, professionals investors, and entrepreneurs who need to engage in business-related activities in Vietnam.

– Employees of foreign companies or organizations assigned to work in Vietnam for a specific business purpose.

– Representatives of foreign companies or organizations attending business meetings, seminars, or conferences in Vietnam.

– Professionals participate in business negotiations, signing contracts, or establishing business partnerships in Vietnam.

– Individuals engaging in short-term business consultations, training sessions, or workshops in Vietnam.