Phở sắn is one of the special pho dishes among many types of Pho in Vietnam. Instead of being made from rice flour like other common pho dishes, phở sắn is made from cassava (củ sắn). Phở sắn has a round shape and is poured into grids, not long and flat like the types of pho we often use.
This pho dish originates from Dong Phu town, Que Son district, Quang Nam province. Today, phở sắn has become a specialty of Quang and is very popular with many tourists.
According to the elderly people in Thuan An village – Dong Phu town (Que Son – Quang Nam), no one remembers when the profession of making phở sắn began, they only know that during the difficult years of the war, cassava was chosen as the main food of many farming households in poor rural areas of Quang Nam. Phở sắn is not a delicacy, it is just a normal dish made from cassava flour, but it is a favorite dish that Dong Phu people are very proud to introduce to tourists from everywhere.

Process making phở sắn
– Slice and dry the cassava, then grind it into fine cassava flour.
– Soak the flour in water to remove acidity, then cook on the stove to thicken the flour.
– When the dough is cooked, put it on the press to press it into small noodles and the pho fibers will intertwine.
– Usually, people choose sunny days to dry phở sắn. Phở sắn is best when it is crispy and dry, and has a beautiful clear color.
Recommend some dishes with phở sắn
Quang Nam phở sắn can be easily combined with some other ingredients to create many different dishes that are not only delicious but also attractive.

Phở sắn trộn is a combination of phở sắn and a few slices of lean meat, fresh shrimp, and some herbs, not only bringing deliciousness to the user, but the color of the dish is also very eye-catching and attractive.

Phở sắn cá lóc is an attractive dish that combines the chewiness of phở sắn with the sweet, delicious, and soft taste of snakehead fish, the crispy and astringent taste of young banana blossom, and fresh, delicious flavors of vegetables, etc. All have blended to create an unforgettable taste of home that makes people always remember this specialty flavor.

Phở sắn xào thập cẩm is a vegetarian dish that is not only delicious and beautiful but also provides full nutrients. It is a harmonious combination of each crispy phở sắn, adding a little sweetness of mushrooms and vegetables, blending the sour taste of the sauce, and adding the crunchy taste of tofu, creating a dish that is both delicious and attractive.
Recommend some places to buy
You can buy phở sắn at markets, supermarkets, or stores everywhere in Vietnam.
If you are looking for a delicious and authentic Vietnamese dish, Phở sắn is a great option. It is a flavorful and satisfying dish that is sure to please everyone.
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